7: Spirituality: Finding Your Divine Connection

“The universe wants us to be as good as we can be. The more we’re all working as our highest selves in that most positive energy, the more we can communicate subconsciously with nature and each other. It ultimately creates a better space.”

Our hosts Jessica Armstrong and McKenzie Raymond bring us along for an enlightening conversation as they explore the realms of spirituality, rituals, and the profound connection they bring to our lives. They initiate the episode by invoking divine energy and sharing a prayer from the book Wisdom Wheel. Throughout the discussion, they reveal how one can seek guidance from nature’s elements and honor the wise ones who came before. They delve into how rituals can enhance our spiritual connection and bring us back to our center in the midst of a fast-paced life.

Jessica and McKenzie share their personal journeys of spiritual healing and the art of surrender. They discuss how hitting a wall is a common experience in the healing process, but with practice, it becomes easier to transition into a healing mode. They also explore the power of letting go of control and trusting the universe to provide.

They wrap up the episode by exploring how sobriety can foster spiritual connection, how rituals can bring us closer to our spiritual selves and nature, and how embracing different spiritual beliefs can deepen our understanding of universal love and light. Tune in, and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling, happier life.

Key Topics:

  • Introduction to Today’s Topic: Spirituality (0:00:40)
  • Spirituality and Personal Growth through Rituals (0:08:38)
  • Self-Care and Spiritual Healing (0:13:16)
  • Surrender (0:20:33)
  • Trust and Connection (0:28:09)
  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth (0:34:32)
  • Spiritual Journeys and Religious Beliefs (0:41:18)
  • Signs from the Universe (0:48:25)
  • Spirituality, Grief, and Connection with the Dead (0:55:36)
  • Closing with a Prayer (0:56:37)


We Love to Connect:


Jessica Armstrong (00:04):

Welcome to the Good Enough Podcast, a podcast that takes you into a new realm by inviting you to reduce your daily hustle and celebrate yourself right here.

McKenzie Raymond (00:14):

Tune in as we dive deep into vulnerable topics and interview guests who deliver transformative moments to you, our community of individuals healing on a collective journey.

Jessica Armstrong (00:25):

We’ll open up to the art of embodied self-care, and even on the days that you feel like a self-sabotaging rebel …

McKenzie Raymond (00:31):

We’re here to remind you that in this realm, we are all good enough.

Jessica Armstrong (00:40):

Hello-hello and welcome back. It’s your girls Jessica and McKenzie, and we have a really amazing episode coming at you. We’re going to talk a lot on spirituality and especially our journeys through that and then some of the things that have helped us really get through the harder times of the journey and what’s really made it special. And McKenzie is going to start us off with an intention and yeah, hit it off.

McKenzie Raymond (01:12):

Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be back and feel, of course, just so deeply connected to this topic of spirituality. I think both you and I have such a journey with this and it’s something that you and I have always connected on together, and so it feels so fun to get to bring this to our listeners and to talk about it just in an open way that feels really safe and good. So, thank you.

Jessica Armstrong (01:41):


McKenzie Raymond (01:42):

So, today for starting off our episode, I wanted us to really begin to invite this energy of God or the universe or source or spirit or your angels into this episode.

McKenzie Raymond (01:59):

And so, if you’re in a position to close down the eyes, you can do that. If you’re not, please don’t do that. And you can just listen as well. And this is something that I like to do for myself, whether I am giving a reiki session, or a coaching call and the invitation is a simple prayer.

McKenzie Raymond (02:20):

So, take a couple deep breaths and my prayer for us today is really that we surrender this entire episode and this time together to the universe, to that divine love and light and that each of you receives exactly what you are meant to during this time. So, take a few deep breaths here, connecting to your heart and to the energy of whatever it is that you believe in.

McKenzie Raymond (03:03):

And then I’d like to follow up this prayer by calling in the four directions. This is something that my mom and I do in retreat and it’s also something that I love to do really anytime that I am wanting to create a container for this safe space.

McKenzie Raymond (03:23):

So, this specific prayer calling in the four directions is from the book The Wisdom Wheel. And this book is really a take on modern-day shamanism. And so, something that I really appreciate in my own spiritual journey is honoring those wise, wise ones who came before us.

McKenzie Raymond (03:46):

And so, I think one of my favorite ways to do that is to lean into those practices and to ask really if I can use them in a way that honors them and honors the progression and the intention. And so, to open up, I’m going to read the great invocation.

McKenzie Raymond (04:06):

So, if you know the direction of south from where you’re facing, you can go ahead and face south. If you don’t, you can also just do this standing or sitting wherever you are. So, to the winds of the south. And you can open up the palms even if you want and just kind of shine your heart in that direction.

McKenzie Raymond (04:25):

To the winds of the south, great serpent mother of the waters, we call on you mother, come and wrap your coils of light around us. Teach us your ways to shed the past, the way you shed your skin. Teach us the beauty way to walk with beauty on the earth, to grow new bodies to heal so that we might evolve into Homo Luminous. To touch everyone we touch with beauty.

McKenzie Raymond (04:58):

Take in another deep breath and then turning towards the west. To the winds of the west. Mother, sister, Jaguar, come to us, walk among us, teach us your ways of fearlessness, of gentleness. Teach us the ways beyond death, beyond fear, so that we might step into the unknown with trust, so that we might become valiant explorers. Be with us.

McKenzie Raymond (05:36):

And another deep breath here, turning to the north, to the winds of the north hummingbird, ancient ones, guardians, and keepers of this land, we call on you. We come to honor you today. Hummingbird teach us to find stillness and flight, to practice one with nature and the ancestors so that we may become sages and draw on their wisdom. We call on you grandmothers and grandfathers, in your name we gather, be with us. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (06:26):

To the winds of the east, the place of the rising sun. Mother eagle, sister eagle, condor, come to us from your mountaintop and soar with us. Hold us sweetly under your wing. Teach us your ways of flight, of vision so that we may become visionaries, dreaming a new dream. And another deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (07:02):

Bringing your attention to your feet, the earth beneath you, Pachamama, great mother, mother earth, we come to you mother. Thank you for your breath, for your waters, and for all your relations. The stone people, the plant people, the creepy crawlies, the winged, the furred, the finned, all our relations. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (07:30):

And turning your attention upwards. Father sun, grandmother moon, to all the star nations, our star brothers and sisters, the sacred mountains of this land, of this earth. Great spirit, you are known by a thousand names. You are the unnamable one, you who sit above us and below us, you who sit in the north and the south and the east and the west. Thank you for allowing me to sing the song of one more day. And let’s take about three deep breaths right here.

McKenzie Raymond (08:13):

If you have the eyes closed down, you can slowly bring your awareness back. And thank you all for listening and inviting in that divine energy with me.

Jessica Armstrong (08:31):

Amazing. So beautiful. I love being able to start the day off with something like that as well. I’ve been with you quite a few times where we’ve called in the directions, and it just feels like such a balancing connection with nature and just a reminder of how still we can be in all of the workings of the energy going on around us.

McKenzie Raymond (09:05):

Yeah, yep. It is so good. I immediately feel a bigger connection. I mean, before we even hit record, I could feel when we had decided that we were going to do the topic of spirituality, all of these things starting to kind of come in and it feels really special to have and to feel such a close deep connection with my own spirituality. I think it’s such a part of my life and the work that I do and why I was so excited to get to record this with you today. So, thank you.

McKenzie Raymond (09:44):

I wanted to touch on just even before we hit record, if there was anything that you do that kind of helped you to connect to this spiritual essence and the topic of spirituality.

Jessica Armstrong (10:00):

Well, just like you, I was super stoked about doing spirituality because it immediately brings up just so many things. But the biggest thing about it is that my spiritual journey has given me the most confidence and the most trust in myself and being able to see how I can navigate situations so much better now or at least see how I’m showing up for them and being able to take that in.

Jessica Armstrong (10:36):

And it’s been such an amazing thing for me to be on this journey. And so, when we decided that that would be the topic today, I immediately was just on cloud nine, I was like, oh, I can’t wait. I have so many things.

Jessica Armstrong (10:53):

But of course, because it’s such a practice with us, there’ll be many moments we’ll talk about and touch in on spirituality. But even just the little things like getting started for a recording, I like to give myself almost like these little rituals to connect me into that mindset of what I’m doing.

Jessica Armstrong (11:14):

So, depending on what the meeting is, or even if I’m just maybe taking some time for myself or perhaps I’m cleaning, I might have a little ritual before I start that task or that call so that I feel more connected to it.

Jessica Armstrong (11:32):

And for like today I was talking about my incense. I always light an incense, I love incense. I don’t know what it is about them, but out of all of the different types of things you can use, I’m talking like candles or diffusers or perfumes, what have you, Febreze, I don’t know, I don’t use that, but maybe some people do.

McKenzie Raymond (11:54):

But incense have always been just my favorite thing, it makes me feel close to nature. I love the smokiness and when you light it that fire smell, it just instantly brings me connected to my root chakra, connected to the earth, connected to mother nature.

Jessica Armstrong (12:19):

And I think the reason I love that so much is because my chronic tendencies have been anxiety or frustration when I get into those high energies. So, patchouli is something that I like to use to help ground me. That’s the one I lit today really because it’s my favorite. It has been ever since I was young.

Jessica Armstrong (12:45):

And I used to go to what we call the hippie stores; I loved being there. I wanted to light incense in my room and have it smell just like it. My parents were like, no, that’s crazy. We don’t want that. Which was understandable. But now I can light them as much as I want in my house.

Jessica Armstrong (13:04):

So, I do love patchouli and it’s just one of those things that helps me feel grounded again, especially when I get really excited about topics like this. It brings balance.

Jessica Armstrong (13:15):

Another thing like I like to pull a card, I have affirmation cards that I use typically for this. And today I picked feminine divine. So, that was another connection from the universe. And yeah, just some tea and those are kind of those things I like to get started right before the podcast for sure.

McKenzie Raymond (13:38):

Yeah, beautiful. Pulling cards has been like such a big part of my journey even when I feel like I was feeling pretty disconnected from my spiritual self or from anything outside of me. And it was like I almost used the cards during those times to remind myself that there was something more.

McKenzie Raymond (14:00):

So yeah, I’ve had a whole journey with my own Oracle and tarot cards. I also love flower essence. So, similar to using incense to burn, this is using, actually it’s a little mist. The one that I used today was Open Doors to Prosperity and it’s a balancing spray that is actually made from the dew of flowers, which just is so cool.

Jessica Armstrong (14:34):

Yeah, that’s special.

McKenzie Raymond (14:35):

Yeah. Using the actual essence of the flower. And so, I always feel so immediately connected to nature when I spray it, depending on the scent. But I’ll just mist it all over my aura and I can immediately feel, it’s like I feel grounded but more open all at the same time. So, those are some of my favorite things.

McKenzie Raymond (15:00):

Of course, I love my crystals and have different other modalities that I like to play with. I think you brought up a good point of creating these rituals with yourself. I love that idea. And I think that a part of this journey is being able to find those moments in your day so that it’s not when you are only in a yoga studio or when you have decided to take time for retreat.

McKenzie Raymond (15:29):

And then it’s almost like, I don’t know, I feel like so much that’s what I used to do would build up and then it’d be like so intense where when I give myself the space to pull a card or do my little flower essence, just in any given moment I can feel that connection and it’s like more sustainable in a way.

Jessica Armstrong (15:50):

Yes. And I was thinking about this too, that the reason why sometimes it is hard for us to make those small moments to just spend with ourselves is because we’ll typically put our self-time to the side because we can wait, we can wait for ourselves.

Jessica Armstrong (16:08):

But really we do need to make time just even to spend a little bit of time with yourself, whether it’s meditating, pulling a card, journaling, and even for me, I’ve been putting in these dreadlock extensions and having to braid them in has really given me this time with myself and to feel creative and back to that very connected to my ancestral side, which you touched on too.

Jessica Armstrong (16:44):

I love that as well, when you can kind of feel that origin. So, when we do think about making that time for ourselves, it seems easy enough, but when it comes time to do it, that’s when we start deciding, okay, am I going to push this aside or am I really going to make time for it?

Jessica Armstrong (17:02):

Because if you think about how we’re running a lot, we’re always running, we’re always going, going, going, even when we’re still, we’re going. There’s a lot of energy that’s still happening because of our environment, our environment kind of has created that pattern for us.

Jessica Armstrong (17:24):

So, you think about it when somebody is running, like I used to run the 10 K in Richmond, Virginia, and at the end you’d be running, running, running, running and you’re excited to finish and you pass the finish line and then all of a sudden, you’re so excited that you stop. And also, there’s crowds of people. So, it’s almost like there’s this wall and you stop and then all of a sudden, your body is in shock from this.

Jessica Armstrong (17:56):

You’re just in complete shock and you feel like you went from this high to this really whoa, what do I do with this energy? And I think that it feels like that sometime to us when we’re on the go and we’re running and we’re thinking about the next thing and we’re thinking about what’s holding us back or we’re thinking about all the chores we have to do and it’s just all of these things about all the stuff we have to give to other people and do for other people that to say, “Hey, I need a second so that I can sit and just meditate and cool down,” can feel like that.

Jessica Armstrong (18:33):

Especially at first because it’s just like, it’s even when you’re arguing with somebody and now, you’re in this healing mode where you are aware that the fighting is hurtful. It doesn’t feel good to you, there’s a lot of wasted energy happening and perhaps what you’re arguing with this other person about, you can already tell there’s really no end.

Jessica Armstrong (18:59):

You both have kind of gone past the point and now you have to decide, okay, am I going to stay in this because that’s what I do, and I don’t know how necessarily to escape that. I’m in this energy, I don’t want to back down.

Jessica Armstrong (19:20):

Or what would that mean if I was the one who walked away and said, “Hey, I need a break to cool.” And just all of these things because you’re fighting these old patterns that you had. For me it was to be able to recognize that like let’s say if I was in an argument with my partner and to be able to recognize that and it can feel like you’ve hit a wall because you’re like now your mind is trying to figure out what is the next step?

Jessica Armstrong (19:50):

And it’s even harder because you have another person involved in this situation. But yeah, it kind of feels like that. And after a while of practicing though, eventually your mind’s going to search for that solution, and it’ll become a much easier transition.

Jessica Armstrong (20:09):

You’ll be able to cross the finish line and slowly slow down and have your cool down and your time with yourself and regain that energy back. But it definitely is a practice for sure. But that’s kind of, I think that’s what it feels like to me when you first start and that’s why the spiritual healing journey can be a difficult decision to make for yourself to take on.

McKenzie Raymond (20:33):

Yeah, I’m so glad that you brought all of this up and I love that example because I’ve never run a 10K because the one time, I tried to run a 5K I had to get surgery on my ankle. So, now it’s just laughable.

Jessica Armstrong (20:50):


McKenzie Raymond (20:53):

I know, at least I could laugh at it now, but it’s like I can only imagine the adrenaline and like that feeling like almost frenetic energy and then to just stop and that just so beautifully captures how it can feel when you’ve been going, going, going, ignoring maybe.

McKenzie Raymond (21:16):

I think for me it’s like when I am so in let’s say it’s worry or fear or like some of these more like human instinctual things that you were talking about, it’s like yeah it can feel impossible and also extremely uncomfortable to slow myself down because then I have to be honest and I have to open myself up to maybe the messages that are trying to come through that I’ve just been too busy ignoring or just I literally haven’t heard because I’ve been so focused on whatever’s here right in front of me and distracting myself.

McKenzie Raymond (21:53):

And so, I think I’m just so glad you brought that up and the example of stopping and how I can still feel that way because meditation is something that I’ve had my own journey with and that I now have the privilege of teaching and it’s absolutely a practice.

McKenzie Raymond (22:11):

And I think one of the things that I really learn and want my students to understand is that the practice is not to be able to sit and have no thoughts or to be able to completely stop the adrenaline and everything else. It’s to sit with it anyway, even when it is extremely uncomfortable and a little frenetic and chaotic and then it becomes easier.

McKenzie Raymond (22:35):

And usually, the start in my experience is the hardest part because that’s when that momentum has been created and so then it’s like, oh my gosh, just that much more intense and you really do create the pause.

McKenzie Raymond (22:49):

And it also brings me to another point of realizing, to me, I feel like in that state, being able to turn towards spirituality or lean into something like taking a few minutes to meditate or whatever the practice is, to me it’s really surrendering to this bigger energy and recognizing wow, I don’t have to do it all on my own.

McKenzie Raymond (23:19):

And I think that that has been one of my biggest lessons in my own spirituality is letting go of my ego and really being able to let go of the need to know so much and be able to give it up to something bigger. And I think some of the words that I really connect to with spirituality are surrender and trust because it’s the ultimate practice to be able to surrender whatever’s happening in my real human experience to something bigger.

McKenzie Raymond (23:52):

And then it takes a lot of trust and it’s like both of those things can build because then if I’m open to it, I can receive it and then I have more evidence. And I also want to just touch on the idea that I really believe in our own free will, so like our own journey as humans.

McKenzie Raymond (24:14):

And so, we have to give, I believe that I have to give permission for God, the universe, my angels, my spirit guides to intervene. And if I am not open to that, then I also believe that I will not receive that or maybe I am receiving it, and I just can’t even see it. And so, I think that’s an important part too that I’ve really learned is my own openness to the energy because I really believe that it’s like that bigger energy also wants to respect and honor us.

Jessica Armstrong (24:49):

Right. We’re all part of this together. I mean the universe wants us to be as good as we can be as well because the more we’re all working as our highest selves in that most positive energy and most efficient, we’re able to connect and communicate subconsciously and with nature and each other and it just ultimately creates a better space.

Jessica Armstrong (25:19):

So, naturally the universe wants that for us. So, it’s up to us to really decide how we’re going to take its gifts. It’s great that you mentioned that because of course as in tune as we usually are, the thing I had at the top of my paper was the universe has some control, which I put that there because that was probably the first time that I knowingly decided I was going to get closer to the spiritual realm and its connection to my inner self.

Jessica Armstrong (25:57):

And the first practice, which is really a great practice for everybody is yeah, relinquishing control and allowing the universe to make some decisions around you because we cannot control everything, and we certainly can’t control just everything that the universe entails.

Jessica Armstrong (26:23):

And I use universe, this of course is for whatever your higher power is, it’s equally important. But for me it was trusting the free falling. So, it was literally having to be okay with feeling like I was just falling through life. This is kind of what therapy introduced me to, was the letting go of control, free falling through each day and just with uncertainty and finding some comfort in that and having faith that the universe, is going to help me through this, is going to provide what I need.

Jessica Armstrong (27:09):

Does that mean that it’s like a pile of money or a big house or a bunch of vacations? Probably not. That’s not the kind of gifts that I’m asking for one or needing to receive from the universe. It’s going to provide me lessons to learn from. It’s going to provide me opportunities to take if I see it or if I am open to it, it’s going to guide me in a way that I cannot guide myself because I do not know what’s in front of me the way the universe does.

Jessica Armstrong (27:42):

And so, for me that was really my biggest first practice when it came to getting in touch with it. Although the universe definitely stepped in and connected with my inner self to help me get through a lot of traumatic times in my life. But I didn’t know that it was doing that until I was old enough to realize.

Jessica Armstrong (28:09):

And I think that’s where my love and appreciation for it really comes in. And I think when you have that connection of love to the higher self, to the universe, to God and you have a personal connection, it’s between you and your God and your spiritual universe. It’s just something between you and it’s so special and I’m grateful every day that I have a connection with it and how strong it’s become.

Jessica Armstrong (28:44):

And a lot of that has to do with being open. And I feel like I’ve always been fairly open as a person, but always reminding myself too, if I need to receive, but maybe I’m not being as open as I need and just always being kind of aware of that.

McKenzie Raymond (29:05):

Yeah, absolutely. And I think I love just the idea around relinquishing control and feeling that trust fall. And I think that’s one of the things that I’ve probably leaned into my spirituality most in owning my own business because I’m like, okay, if it’s not supposed to be it, it’s very clear.

McKenzie Raymond (29:26):

But if it is, it’s like, oh my gosh, we really did fill up two back-to-back retreats or that wait list really is here or whatever like the thing is.

McKenzie Raymond (29:36):

And so, I think my own spirituality has seeped into my own business, which is really fun too. And I definitely feel like I tend to attract private life coaching clients who maybe actually are feeling disconnected from this part of themself, and they can see that I feel this deep connection.

McKenzie Raymond (29:59):

And so, they come and ask, so how can I have more of that? And one of the things that really, I’ve noticed is even if you don’t feel connected to God or the universe in any way right now or your spiritual self or this whole journey, I have found, typically it’s because that individual has a lot of evidence of why this hasn’t worked out in the past or opportunities when maybe God hasn’t stepped in. And so, there’s evidence of that.

McKenzie Raymond (30:33):

But what I found is that when my clients who are feeling a little bit maybe turned off by this topic altogether or they know they want more of it, but they don’t really know the way, the power in just opening yourself to it anyway. I mean it is a practice, but really, I think sometimes our spirituality or even religion becomes more about our want and need to know.

McKenzie Raymond (31:03):

And spirituality to me has become a practice of not needing to know and just opening myself anyway and going, well this trust fall is really uncomfortable. And when the fear or the worry are there, it’s like noticing, like you were saying, having that awareness. But I think coming back to that trusting anyway, opening yourself up to those signs, because I can tell you you’re definitely not going to see them or find evidence of how it is working out if you are closed off to that.

McKenzie Raymond (31:36):

And so, I think, just opening yourself to it anyway. And even if you think it’s funny at first, like I had a client who was laughing about it and was like, “Oh my gosh,” almost didn’t believe it, I could tell. And I’m like, “Just try it.” I’m like, “I can’t wait to see what the universe provides for you.” And I’m almost like, come on, universe.

McKenzie Raymond (31:56):

And then the story she came back with, I mean her whole perspective has changed now from here on out forever. And so, it’s just so amazing and powerful and we can do that and go, I don’t know about this but I’m going to do it anyway. And God, universe kind of show me what you got.

McKenzie Raymond (32:14):

So yeah, that was something that I wanted to bring up. And I think if you are someone who’s just kind of starting to play with this space of spirituality and this whole realm, you get to play with it. You don’t have to decide, “Patchouli is my number one, I only do reiki.” Or whatever the thing is.

McKenzie Raymond (32:36):

It’s like you get to decide, “Oh man, patchouli is not my thing, but I sure do love my lemongrass oil,” or whatever. And it’s like you get to play in this space. And even though I think it’s definitely this vulnerable and personal experience, it’s like there’s no wrong way, but you get to decide what do you resonate, what makes your spiritual self just feel more alive? And then do more of that and see where you can fit it in.

McKenzie Raymond (33:07):

Before we get too much farther along in today’s episode, I want to do a brief check-in and ask our listeners a few powerful questions. I’m curious if any of you are currently feeling stuck in your personal or professional life, struggling with self-doubt, or feeling lost as you search for a deeper sense of purpose.

McKenzie Raymond (33:25):

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I want to acknowledge you for being honest with yourself and invite you to take the next step in your journey to finding a more joyful and fulfilled life. Full enrollment for private life coaching with me, Clear Inner Focus, certified life coach McKenzie Raymond is now open, and I would love to work with you.

McKenzie Raymond (33:47):

Together we’ll embark on a personalized journey of self-discovery and growth. With the help of specific tools and techniques, you’ll be able to live and lead confidently in the direction of your wildest dreams and deepest desires.

McKenzie Raymond (34:00):

So, whether you’re looking to boost your self-confidence, improve your relationships, or set and achieve meaningful goals, I’m here to support you every step of the way. I’m only opening my calendar to three individuals who are ready to take the next step in their transformation. So, don’t wait any longer your best life awaits.

McKenzie Raymond (34:19):

Visit my website at risingsolholistic.com to schedule a free 30-minute consultation and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling, happier life today.

Jessica Armstrong (34:32):

I love all of that so much. Oh my gosh because it’s so true. I could feel all the love and compassion just exuding from that because not needing to know is liberating for one. And then also learning about the things that you like about yourself, like different scents and stuff. What a fun, awesome thing to be able to do.

Jessica Armstrong (35:00):

When I first started, definitely when I got sober, and I literally didn’t know who I was. I was like, what are my likes? Because I had been basically faking it, I guess, or just surviving actually is what I’d like to say. I was surviving and so I wanted to get to know myself. And a therapist told me that it’s like falling in love with yourself. It’s like literally getting to know you, spending time with you.

Jessica Armstrong (35:34):

So, for me, when I can play some music in the kitchen and dance around or when I can light an incense and I can kind of go, “Ooh Jessica, this is so nice.” And I know that that is something that is just me. I’m not saying that other people don’t like that, but in that moment, that whole time, that time, it’s just, I can see that’s just me. That’s my soul’s twinkling. That’s what’s going on and it’s so good.

Jessica Armstrong (36:07):

It just feels so good to be able to see things that way instead of trying to like something that you think other people need you to like or because that’s the only thing. Like trying things out. Believe me, I’ve had some stinky incense before, make my house smell crazy for a day. But I had to go through it and try it out until I found the ones I love or the brands I love.

Jessica Armstrong (36:34):

And it’s really special, I can’t even explain well enough how special it is to be able to have something like that with yourself and the more you do it. I like the play. Have fun with yourself, go to the lake, go on a hike.

McKenzie Raymond (36:55):

Yeah. I feel like when we are able to do this for ourselves, we’re honoring our own goddess and really tapping into our worthiness and deservingness of getting to have this connection with something bigger and with ourself too.

McKenzie Raymond (37:11):

When I put on my essential oils or even my special necklace, it’s like I imagine that I’m adorning myself so that I can embrace this goddess. And even all of that, it just feels like very intentional and spiritual, and I think it’s like anything, we can go into it with as much openness and intention as we would like.

McKenzie Raymond (37:34):

And we can also block ourself from that too. Like people who come into retreat or even a cacao ceremony. It’s like everyone’s experience is going to be so different based on, I really believe, their own openness and intention and where they’re at in their journey. So yeah, it’s definitely this really personable, intuitive journey.

McKenzie Raymond (37:59):

And I also think if you’re willing, I would love to just touch on you and I clearly both feel incredibly connected to our spirituality and to this divine love and light that is fitting together all the pieces and working behind the scenes on our behalf. I did want to touch on how we both got here a little bit. Because I think it’s important for our listeners to hear what kind of home were we raised in or how did we get here?

Jessica Armstrong (38:30):

Yeah, absolutely. Well, for me, I think we went to church and stuff when I was younger, but it was mostly just for the Sunday school. So, I was very aware of church, and we listened to the stories and everything like that, but there just for me was never a connection.

Jessica Armstrong (38:49):

So, I never had a battle, a personal battle between this kind of religious idea and then the spiritual universe kind of thing. If anything, I actually at one point was probably skeptical that there was anything, I think the idea was frightening. I mean it’s almost like to think that there’s so much space outside of just our earth atmosphere is scary. It was kind of almost like that.

Jessica Armstrong (39:21):

And I also didn’t have anybody introducing the idea of other options. So, for me it was very like, “Hey, this is our time on earth, you die and then you’re gone and kind of that’s it.” And that takes a lot away from you.

Jessica Armstrong (39:38):

However, if you don’t know, you don’t know. And for me it wasn’t until I probably started traveling more and then when I got into college and talking to people from a lot of different areas, different countries and just kind of was able to really get such a variety of ideas and feelings from people that I guess … for me, I was listening and taking in and I was always, I always kind of felt more connected to this just idea that there is a spiritual divine above that’s taking some accountability I guess for how our energy moves through the universe.

Jessica Armstrong (40:25):

And when I look back while I was drinking, I had multiple moments that I was completely connected to the spiritual realm in my inner self because that was the fighting because I had been flighting for so long by drinking that that was my fight, that was really trying to push me out of this space I was in. And it took a couple times before it really got there.

Jessica Armstrong (40:54):

But I know that even though there was that inside of me, I needed a push. I needed something to light that and push it forward. So, I know that that was not just me that was able to become sober after, I mean being in basically my only relationship, which was alcohol at the time.

Jessica Armstrong (41:18):

And the difficult part is having to shed the ideas that you can be open to more idea — or shed the ideas that you can’t be more open or you can’t have your own connection to this spiritual realm. And because we’re so clouded by that and we’re so connected to our religion or maybe our non-religion or whatever label we’re trying to put on it, when really, it’s just about our story, our journey, and how our energy connects with the bigger energy that includes us all as a collective.

Jessica Armstrong (42:00):

And it took a lot of really restructuring and I think even though I understand it more now than I have ever, it gives you the opportunity to evolve. And that’s really what’s important is it doesn’t mean that if you decide to open up your mind to something different and maybe you’ve always been connected to something else, it doesn’t mean that you’re doing anything wrong. It doesn’t mean that what you believed before was anything wrong.

Jessica Armstrong (42:28):

It just means that you want to see options, you want more for yourself, you want to evolve. And that is the results that I have seen from my spiritual journey is really being able to evolve to a point where I can navigate life in a way that feels good, that feels authentic and genuine.

Jessica Armstrong (42:49):

And that is so important to me that the rough stuff that comes up in order to get there is just part of it. It’s just part of the process. It’s not something that is going to stop me from wanting to explore, wanting to evolve. And that’s all that that really means. And you can open it as much or as little as you’d like.

McKenzie Raymond (43:09):

Yeah. Oh my gosh, I love that feeling of the evolution of my spiritual journey because I definitely went through a time where I was confused and questioning what it meant if I was no longer a part of the church. I grew up Christian, raised in a Methodist church, attended youth groups and Sunday school, I got confirmed in eighth grade.

McKenzie Raymond (43:36):

And I think at that time in my life, it really provided community for me. I had the opportunity to be able to meet these other kids outside of school settings. And one of my favorite memories of the church was getting to travel with it was the Appalachian service project. And they would do it in the summers and we would take, I want to say something like 12, 15 passenger vans to Kentucky or Tennessee.

McKenzie Raymond (44:07):

And I remember of course we would paint them all with these chalk markers on the windows. And then, this is probably illegal, I don’t know if I should be telling this, but it was so fun as a kid, we would do different maneuvers, the van riders would do, like, “Okay guys, we’re all going to cross lanes,” and watch all 12 vans doing it-

Jessica Armstrong (44:29):

That is fun.

McKenzie Raymond (44:31):

I know. And we all had these walkie talkies, so we were like “Van six,” I don’t know, it was just so cool to be a part of. Beyond the van maneuvers, what it really taught me and reminded me was, is the connection with humans. And it brought me such perspective of the privilege that I was raised with and how I can be in service to other people who are less fortunate.

McKenzie Raymond (44:58):

And as an empath and someone who’s extremely sensitive, it was an emotional week to be paired with a family and work on their house and learn about their struggles. But these people were some of the most giving, loving people. I just remember this woman every day would make us fried green tomatoes for lunch and straight from her garden. And it was like the highlight of her time.

McKenzie Raymond (45:22):

And these connections that I got to form really, I think at a young age showed me that my passion is to be in service of others, to be helping others in some way.

McKenzie Raymond (45:34):

And I think that when I was moving out of the church and what really sparked it, I would say was my own questioning around the intention of the church. I was always taught that religion or spirituality is about universal love, bottom line. And I started to see evidence of where maybe that wasn’t aligning. And I come from a big family, we have divorces, we have gay uncles, we got a whole mix of whole of people in there.

McKenzie Raymond (46:12):

And so, I started to recognize, wow, these people that I really love and care about are being basically shunt and they can’t get communion, or they can’t even step foot in this place. And I started to just question the intention of universal love and why would they not be allowed?

McKenzie Raymond (46:30):

And clearly their values were not universal love, or they would include all. And so, I started to really question my own journey and I’ve been really open and candid. I’ve even had some of my old church friends or friends of friends reach out and just share their struggles of maybe being with a partner who really sees the church as like this important aspect or that’s how they connect to God and how do I find that balance?

McKenzie Raymond (46:59):

And I think it’s remembering that, like you were saying, traveling, you got to open yourself up to all these different possibilities in different ways. And I think it’s knowing that and remembering that one story isn’t just the story. If we are open to spirituality, it’s understanding that each story maybe has something to teach us, or I think it’s one of the reasons that I really connect to reiki because reiki is simply universal love and light that’s being guided for your highest good.

McKenzie Raymond (47:34):

And so, something that I use is a reiki crystal grid. And I’ll put my prayers and it’s almost energetic, spiritual multitasking. It’s like I can charge up the prayers with the reiki energy and on this grid, it actually has, I want to say it’s the 12 main religions or spiritualities of the world. And they each have their little symbol. And so, I put a crystal on each one of those.

McKenzie Raymond (48:00):

And to me, that feels so good to be able to honor all of them and not say this is the one way. And again, I feel like that’s just a way that we’re almost grasping to the need to know. It’s saying these are all valid and there’s love for all.

Jessica Armstrong (48:17):

And then that need to know is almost like the want to have validation or be right. But really, we can find that within ourselves and with our soul connection. And I think that’s the important thing is that if church is your sacred place and wherever that is, as long as it’s giving you the chance to connect personally to your higher power, that’s really what the important thing is.

Jessica Armstrong (48:45):

And intention, being able to listen to your intention and also be able to listen to others can be really important too. It’s kind of why are we here together collectively and do we want to spend our time feeling love and joy over disconnecting and-

McKenzie Raymond (49:08):


Jessica Armstrong (49:08):

Separation and hate, there’s nothing good that comes from it. So, I think it’s just tapping into that more of what makes you feel good in your heart and how you can personally connect.

Jessica Armstrong (49:26):

And I watched this documentary last night and I just like had to bring it up because it was Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zone. It was on Netflix, and I think it came out in 2021, but I just watched it. And the host is going to these different blue zones. This is where people have the highest life expectancy as well as the biggest population of people, over a hundred.

Jessica Armstrong (49:58):

And I think he went to Costa Rica; Japan and Greece I believe. And there were four things that kind of came out of that that he found. Because he actually did a live study from 2006 to, I think 2021 in a small town in America and actually showed how after introducing some of these things there, like healthy options and walkable places, that they actually increased their life expectancy by 3.1 years, which was incredible.

McKenzie Raymond (50:36):


Jessica Armstrong (50:37):

But the main four things that he was really the secret sauce is connection with others. And a lot of those people did find connection within their church space, their community space, all these places had gathering places for people to connect. And a lot of them, especially women, had these friends that they’re committed to, these friends that they commit themselves to for life. And they get together all the time and they just talk, they chat, they share.

Jessica Armstrong (51:10):

And then it was eat wisely. A lot of them are eating what grows naturally around them, A lot of them garden, which is very healthy. That’s a healing modality in itself, I’ll tell you.

Jessica Armstrong (51:24):

So yeah, eating wisely connection, moving naturally. So, getting up and down off the floor, walking wherever you can, just keeping yourself moving. But the biggest thing was faith. And it was their connection to the outlook, their outlook on the future, their outlook on their day, the idea around purpose, their waking up with purpose every morning and it’s to live doing what they need to do each day and just really living the day.

Jessica Armstrong (52:01):

And even though they may have things that stress them out like we do, it just doesn’t sit with them because they just continue the process and they just continue living in that process and they make time for community, for faith, for all of that eating well. And it’s just interesting to see.

Jessica Armstrong (52:24):

And I think he said that the biggest difference he finds is that they’re not trying to find a way to prevent death. They’re trying to find a way to live. And that to me hit well. Because my relationship with death has been something that I’ve been really developing over the time too.

McKenzie Raymond (52:48):

Yeah. Oh my gosh, I love that you brought that up. What was the name of the documentary again?

Jessica Armstrong (52:54):

It’s Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.

McKenzie Raymond (52:59):

Okay. I’m definitely going to have to look that one up.

Jessica Armstrong (53:02):

Yeah. It’s highly recommended.

McKenzie Raymond (53:04):

Yeah. And that last little point about opening yourself to living more presently and intentionally here with that purpose just definitely felt like medicine for my soul. I’m glad you brought up that documentary because I think it’s important the more we can learn about these things, and I mean really anywhere that we are in our spiritual journey, it’s important to remember and have this evidence.

McKenzie Raymond (53:30):

And I actually wanted to recommend a book as well, it’s called Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe, and it is by Laura Lynne Jackson. And it’s an entire collection of stories that really speak to the universe’s capability for magical moments. And so, having these stories I think is really helpful. As humans, I think we’re always kind of like looking for that evidence and looking to see the unseen sometimes.

McKenzie Raymond (54:07):

Again, that attachment to the need to know. But yeah, I think having this evidence, it’s like the book is a whole collection of these really powerful, incredible stories to kind of start to open up that space a little bit more and I think maybe help whoever’s reading it to open themselves up to the signs that are all around them. So, just wanted to throw that out there as well. I’m sure we can link these in our show notes as well.

Jessica Armstrong (54:33):

Yeah, absolutely. And so, that is really the unseen stuff right there though, the feelings that we’re getting that or trying to call our attention to things. That’s really what is the unseen part, and the evidence is what we see from our practices, what we see from other people’s practices. For me, I have come to know that being on a spiritual journey is absolutely necessary because of what it has done for me and my life and my relationships and just the way that I perceive my purpose here on earth and what I’m providing to it.

Jessica Armstrong (55:22):

I want to be providing as much positivity and high vibe energy and love as I can and compassion as I can while I’m in this body here.

McKenzie Raymond (55:36):

Yeah. Yep. And I know that this will be a topic for another time. We’ll do a whole episode on grief and loss, but I do just want to say that some of my strongest connections that I really feel so incredibly supported and protected by these angel guides or spirits are people who have maybe passed over. And I’ve had the opportunity to sometimes even feel more connected to them in this other realm.

McKenzie Raymond (56:06):

So, if that’s something you have never opened yourself to, I also invite you to play with that. And just, again, I believe they respect our free will as well. So, inviting them into your life or your dreams or to give you a sign, ask for a sign. Maybe it’s from a specific angel or maybe it’s from God or the universe in general, but the power in that, that is the permission. So, I just wanted to put that out there as well. Do you feel ready for our closing prayer?

Jessica Armstrong (56:37):

Yes. Let’s close with a prayer. Let’s close out this spiritual episode that we opened up and like with anything, we want to close it out. So yeah, lead us out, McKenzie.

McKenzie Raymond (56:50):

Amazing. So, if you’re in a position to close your eyes, you can do that. If not, you are perfect and enough right where you are. I always like to close that general prayer by thanking the universal love and light divine guidance for surrounding us and for really providing us with this incredible time together. And yeah, just thank the universe for working through each of us and through each of you who are listening.

McKenzie Raymond (57:24):

So, to the winds of the south, great serpent mother of the waters, thank you for teaching us your ways, the way of shedding the past, the way you shed your skin. Thank you for being with us. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (57:41):

To the winds of the west. Mother, sister Jaguar. Thank you, mother, for teaching us the ways of fearlessness, for teaching us the journey to infinity, accompany us as we go back to our homes and our villages and our loved ones. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (58:00):

To the winds of the north. Hummingbird, thank you for teaching us to drink deeply from the nectar of life. Grandmothers, grandfathers, we honor you and we gather to honor you who will come after us, our children’s children. Thank you for being with us. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (58:24):

To the winds of the east, the place of the rising sun. Eagle, condor. Thank you, mother, for holding us sweetly under your wings, for nudging us out of the nest when our time comes that we might find our own wings. And always fly wing to wing with the great spirit. A deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (58:46):

Pachamama, great mother, mother Earth, thank you for all your blessings, for your breath and your waters and to all our relations. The stone people, the plant people, the creepy crawlies, the winged, the furred, the finned, all our relations. Deep breath here.

McKenzie Raymond (59:09):

Father sun, grandmother moon, to all the star nations, our star brothers and sisters, the sacred mountains of this earth, to great spirit, creator of all you who are known by a thousand names and you whose name cannot be said or told, thank you for blessing us in all ways. Few more deep breaths. And then coming back if your eyes are closed, opening them up. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Jessica Armstrong (59:48):

Thank you. A beautiful way to end the day, and I hope everyone goes off with a wonderful grounding sense and joy. Thank you, McKenzie.

McKenzie Raymond (01:00:02):

Thank you, Jessica. Bye.

McKenzie Raymond (01:00:08):

We know this time is precious to you and because we are insanely joyful that you are spending it with us, we always want to deliver authentic vulnerability and dive deep into what we are feeling as a collective.

Jessica Armstrong (01:00:20):

Our intention is to bring you stories and guests that provide you the opportunity to discover aha moments so you leave our conversations feeling lighter and knowing what you do today will be good enough.

McKenzie Raymond (01:00:34):

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