8: Authenticity: Manifesting Your Dream Life with Haley Hoffman Smith

“I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know any way forward. And if I hadn’t been through this phase of complete stuckness, I would not have started using EFT tapping.”

Imagine overcoming your limiting beliefs and unlocking immense personal growth in the process. That’s exactly what our hosts Jessica Armstrong and McKenzie Raymond discuss in this transformative conversation with the remarkable Haley Hoffman Smith. Haley, a spiritual content creator, founder of DreamAway Collective, and singer-songwriter, shares her journey highlighting the impact of EFT tapping, a healing technique that has changed her life and that of our co-host Mckenzie.

From her unexpected path to empowering women through EFT tapping to her involvement in Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Haley’s journey is as inspiring as it is enlightening. Haley encourages young women to embrace their unique talents and remain open to life’s evolution. Our hosts and Haley reveal the immense power that lies in EFT tapping and how it can aid in overcoming limiting beliefs and manifesting our dreams. This episode is a testament to the power of vulnerability and the transformative connection that can occur when authenticity is at the forefront.

Key Topics:

  • Introducing Haley Hoffman Smith (0:00:47)
  • The “Behind-the-Scenes” of Haley’s Content (0:04:19)
  • Spirituality, Mindset, and Manifesting (0:09:00)
  • Finding Resilience Through Mindset Work (0:13:13)
  • EFT Tapping and Personal Growth (0:17:57)
  • Overcoming Stuckness and Fear of Change (27:57)
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fear of Judgement (0:32:48)
  • On-Air Sessions (0:38:21)
  • Making a “Mind Movie” (0:41:33)
  • EFT Tapping and The Power of Community (0:48:44)
  • Wrap-Up (0:55:40)


We Love to Connect:


Jessica Armstrong (00:00):

Welcome to the Good Enough Podcast, a podcast that takes you into a new realm by inviting you to reduce your daily hustle and celebrate yourself right here.

McKenzie Raymond (00:14):

Tune in as we dive deep into vulnerable topics and interview guests who deliver transformative moments to you, our community of individuals healing on a collective journey.

Jessica Armstrong (00:25):

We’ll open up to the art of embodied self-care, and even on the days that you feel like a self-sabotaging rebel …

McKenzie Raymond (00:32):

We’re here to remind you that in this realm, we are all good enough.

McKenzie Raymond (00:35):

Hello everyone. Hello Jessica, how are you?

Jessica Armstrong (00:43):

Hi McKenzie. Hi everyone.

McKenzie Raymond (00:46):

I am so excited to introduce our guest for today. We had an incredible conversation with this inspiring woman.

Jessica Armstrong (00:55):

Yes, we had the pleasure of talking with Haley Hoffman Smith. She has done a really great job embodying her authentic self and all the content and work that she does, including the EFT tapping, which for me I really learned about through you McKenzie, and have really seen the effects that you’ve gotten and that’s why it was so important for us to have her on the show.

McKenzie Raymond (01:23):

Absolutely, yes. EFT tapping and a lot of Haley’s offers have been a huge part of my own healing journey and I really was so excited for you, Jessica, to get to experience EFT tapping. I feel like we got to have this amazing private session and it’s also an opportunity for each of our listeners to try out this technique for yourself.

Jessica Armstrong (01:48):

Yes. So, cool. I was so happy to be able to experience firsthand with you there and we can’t wait for all of you to be able to experience it at home. So, this is our conversation with Haley Hoffman Smith. She’s a spiritual content creator and the founder of her amazing tiered, collective offer that she has, Dreamaway, it’s amazing for her community.

Jessica Armstrong (02:13):

She talks all about it as well as her slingshot sessions, which is something that McKenzie has done many times, and I cannot wait to get started doing those on a regular basis after this interview. So, she’s also a singer, songwriter as well and the list goes on. She’s amazing. So, we can’t wait for you to hear it. It’s an amazing interview and the EFT tapping experience is really incredible. So, enjoy the show.

McKenzie Raymond (02:43):

Hello everyone, welcome back to the show. I am so thrilled to be sitting here. It feels like next to Haley Hoffman Smith. Hey Haley, how are you?

Haley Hoffman Smith (02:55):

Hi guys, I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.

McKenzie Raymond (03:00):

Amazing. Well, I wanted to just do a little brief introduction. You have been such a big part of my own journey, learning about EFT tapping and really manifesting the life of my dreams is what it feels like. So, I have to say that this podcast and us doing this together really feels like a ripple effect from all of the work that I’ve done kind of behind the scenes.

Haley Hoffman Smith (03:28):

Oh, my gosh, that’s so amazing. Seriously, nothing makes me happier than hearing how EFT in general, I mean obviously my work since I’m a Leo, but the EFT, in general, is changing other people’s lives because it completely changed my life and continues to and it’s such soul work to be able to share that with others and hearing the effects is like, “Yes there it is.”

McKenzie Raymond (03:49):

I know. I just have so much gratitude for you sharing your story and providing amazing offers so that other women and human beings get to experience this magic. So, thank you.

Haley Hoffman Smith (04:03):

Thank you.

Jessica Armstrong (04:04):

And we’re just so happy to have you on here and really being able to read about you and learn more about you from all of the wonderful content that you put out and how open and vulnerable you are about your journey and you’ve really packed a lot into it and I would love for you to share with our listeners what really drove you with that ambition. What really kept you feeling balanced and moving forward and finding the right outlets for your energy that align with you authentically?

Haley Hoffman Smith (04:42):

Sure. So, ever since I was really young, I wanted to be a talk show host. That was my big dream when I was four years old, that music. But I would stand in front of my bathroom mirror at night and pretend I was on a talk show going through my skincare routine, which when you’re really young it’s like, “Here’s my soap and here’s my lotion.” But I really enjoyed it and liked being on camera and so I always knew I would want to do something in that arena, but I didn’t really know what it was.

Haley Hoffman Smith (05:09):

And it’s interesting how life unfolds because I just felt like I was continuously guided throughout my life to helping other women. For example, in high school I had several opportunities come up to mentor middle school girls and I really loved those.

Haley Hoffman Smith (05:25):

So, I worked with organizations that enabled me to do that, like going to a local middle school or then I started a chapter of this organization called Girl Talk and was mentoring younger girls through that. And yeah, just really enjoyed that and that’s where I really felt a lot of soul energy come from of being able to help them and share my experiences. But still that kind of felt unclear because, okay, you mentor girls, it’s like alright, there’s a million things that you could talk about. So, I still didn’t really understand my why with that.

Haley Hoffman Smith (05:53):

And college was a wild twist and turn of a lot of different interests and explorations. I started college, studying political science and economics thinking I wanted to be the first female president and being really into it, I was like who is that version of me is crazy.

Haley Hoffman Smith (06:08):

I started a Students for Hillary Club and was active on the Hillary Clinton campaign back in my freshman year of college in 2014, 2015. And then I started to really love building organizations and bringing people together and I remember I’d really like getting people’s emails, emailing them, and hearing back from people and putting things in spreadsheets of like, okay, who’s on this-

Haley Hoffman Smith (06:33):

It was the most interesting things to learn that I like to do. And a lot of it was around groups and getting groups together and then I’d have the chapter meetings, and everybody would come together, and we’d be talking about, “Okay, this is what we’re going to do on campus and how we’re going to sign up all these people for the ready for Hillary pack.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (06:47):

So, it was almost like these little cosmic breadcrumbs of I like this, I like this, I like this. And I didn’t see how it was all going to evolve. I was trying to try to figure it out like okay, I’ll probably do something politically or run for office one day because I like doing this now. But life definitely had other plans for me because it just kept evolving. I ended up transferring to Brown from CU Boulder, my junior year of college and college.

Haley Hoffman Smith (07:12):

By that time, I had started a nonprofit called Lit Without Limits. Lit is short for literature where I was donating books to girls across the world in mentoring groups. So, it’s basically I took what I did in high school of mentoring middle school girls and was like, “How can I produce this on a global level and then raise the money for the books and come up with a curriculum for the books so women can come together and basically like a book club format and take these mentorship concepts or these empowering concepts from books.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (07:39):

So, the first book we did was I Am Malala and that too was an amazing experience of starting a business for my first time even though it was a nonprofit. So, it operates very differently from a business. I learned how to raise money and host silent auctions and connect with women around the world and we had a global ambassador program of over 50 girls at one time, which was so much fun and amazing and I did all that on Instagram.

Haley Hoffman Smith (08:00):

So, I think that was the first time I started to understand the power of social media because I was on Bookstagram and I had messaged all these people and I was like, “Do you want to be an ambassador, and this is what you get and we can send do the book.” So, all that was really fun.

Haley Hoffman Smith (08:12):

So, anyways, all this to say, I know it’s a long story but when I got to Brown, I decided to study gender studies because everything I had done to date was for women empowerment and also business. And I learned, I really loved business. That was my main takeaway from everything.

Haley Hoffman Smith (08:28):

And then that evolved and unfolded into a book coming out called Her Big Idea, a book that I wrote based off my honors thesis at Brown at the end of my senior year. And then I started to do a speaking tour based off the book.

Haley Hoffman Smith (08:40):

And I go through all these incredible details because I really want everybody to hear that, it was literally breadcrumb to breadcrumb to breadcrumb. There was no one moment that I could have stopped and been like, “Oh, I see how this is going to evolve into my whole career.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (08:53):

And I kept the dream alive of I want to be a talk show host one day even though I wasn’t doing anything on camera at all except I started a YouTube show called Haley the Daily, in my junior year of college. Nothing happened with it, but Haley the Daily is like an ongoing joke come from people who knew me in college and that’s like my name in their phone.

Haley Hoffman Smith (09:09):

But when I did the speaking, I was speaking about going after your big idea, like starting a business and I really loved motivational speaking so much and it really took off. I did it at a bunch of different universities, for a bunch of different conferences and I felt so much energy being up on stage sharing these motivational concepts. But the best part was afterwards when there’d be a long line to talk to me and I got to talk to each person about their idea and give them a hug and hear how it helps them.

Haley Hoffman Smith (09:38):

So, then when the pandemic happened, I had to cancel all my gigs obviously and I did some virtually but it wasn’t really the same. And basically, in that in-between space, I was like, “Why don’t I just take all these messages I have and start sharing them on social media.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (09:52):

Now there had been this underside of me that I hadn’t really talked about, which was spirituality and that’s something that I hadn’t felt I could market to schools. Like, “Hi, let me talk about faith and trusting the universe and manifesting,” because you never know people’s beliefs.

Haley Hoffman Smith (10:07):

And it just felt a more remarkable thing to talk about business because I knew so much about it. But I just started letting that unfold and talking more and more about manifesting, faith, spirituality. And at the same time, I had been starting EFT tapping and I’d gotten a lot of shifts from it throughout college and then started it more regularly in 2019 before the pandemic.

Haley Hoffman Smith (10:28):

And that’s what had led to me being able to move to New York City, declaring money beliefs and being able to build up a copywriting business that could help sustain me. And I saw huge shifts in my income. When I moved to New York City and was able to because of that. And so, all of that started to feed into my content and then it just felt like, “Okay here we are, this is alignment.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (10:48):

Like now I feel like I’m talking on camera. So, going back to talk show host stream, I’m helping people, not just women, people of all identifying genders and I am doing it by telling them what has helped me get to where I am, which feels very true and authentic for me. Of like, “I felt stuck, I didn’t see where everything was going to pan out and how it was going to unfold.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (11:08):

But the more that I targeted limiting beliefs and changed my mindset and used these mindset hacks and mainly EFT tapping, the more my life changed and the more my life started to look more like the life that I wanted to live. And here’s how you can do the same, and it’s just been so much fun.

Haley Hoffman Smith (11:24):

And so, now of course, I slingshot sessions and Dreamaway, we’re doing EFT tapping all together and all my content is based on spirituality and mindset and it’s just very true. It’s just very much who I am and if you ever hang out with me as a friend, it’s all I talk about. So, it feels very much like who I am on social media.

Haley Hoffman Smith (11:43):

People tell me all the time, they’re like, “Whoa, you’re literally the same in person as you’re on social media.” And that’s one of the biggest compliments because I know a lot of people put on an acting stance when they come on social media, but I always like to share who I really am and really help people. So, extremely long story. Sorry I had a lot of coffee before this, but hope it-

Jessica Armstrong (12:02):

It was so beautiful, and you had such a great way of really explaining it because, so you can really see it now how you exude this authenticity is because from what I’m hearing from your story is that you really allowed the universe to have some play in and you really started looking for those little gifts that were handed to you. And although you had these goals in mind, you weren’t set on a specific destination. It didn’t have to look specifically like something could evolve.

Jessica Armstrong (12:39):

And I think it’s so important, especially for younger women as they’re kind of going into adulthood to be reminded of that is that the picture doesn’t have to look a certain way and because when we’re not focused so much on that we can pick up on our specific unique talents and the things that we really enjoy doing. So, thank you for sharing that. It’s a great message for younger women.

Haley Hoffman Smith (13:07):

There is something that I share in my TED talk, which was back in 2019, so it’s very like an older version of me, but something I still totally believe, which is that life is a lot like the chutes and ladder game board. Where you roll the dice, you see how much further you’re going to go ahead. I don’t know, I’ve actually never played the game, but I know what the game board looks like. And this was weird channel things.

Haley Hoffman Smith (13:27):

So, I don’t even know how to roll the dice, sorry if I already got that wrong. But you move ahead and you might hit a ladder and so you’re like, “Woo, I’m winning, climb the ladder, do do.” But then that ladder might lead to a chute, a slide that takes you down even further. Or then you might hit a slide that takes you down to an even bigger ladder.

Haley Hoffman Smith (13:44):

All this to say very complicated metaphor for sometimes you think you have hit a slide in your life where you’ve hit a rejection, you don’t know how you’re going to recover from it or come back from it. And then that’s what leads you to the biggest ladder you’ve ever found that leads you to everything you’ve ever wanted.

Haley Hoffman Smith (14:00):

And sometimes you think, “Oh my gosh, I’ve made it, I’ve landed this job, I’ve gotten this promotion, this is everything I’ve ever wanted.” You think you’ve hit the tallest ladder and then it leads you somewhere else entirely than what you would’ve ever expected.

Haley Hoffman Smith (14:11):

And I think we can all point to that in our lives and be like, “Whoa, okay, here was this ladder and it led to this slide and this ladder led to this slide.” So, we can’t even define it anymore by this is a ladder, this is a chute/slide. It’s more like, “No, I’m being guided the whole way,” and even if it’s not making sense right now, it’s going to ultimately make sense when I look back on it.

McKenzie Raymond (14:30):

I love that analogy. And I feel like too just your trust in that the slides are going to bring me to some of those higher ladders. That is such a big piece of actually believing that the universe does have my back and giving some of that space. I love that along your journey, you called them cosmic breadcrumbs.

McKenzie Raymond (14:54):

And I think what really stands out to me, that’s something that I see so much in you and in myself as well, is being able to just even in those lower points, being able to find the things that still feel good or that still bring joy. Because it’s like what I really hear in your story is even when things maybe weren’t going the way that you had planned or you had your heart set on a different college or whatever the situation, it’s still finding that joy and following that and trusting the universe.

Haley Hoffman Smith (15:29):

Yeah, absolutely. And trusting that every season of your life has something to give you. I always talk about how 2019, was one of the hardest years of my life because I basically took a job at a startup when I graduated from college, and I was working at the startup alongside doing motivational speaking.

Haley Hoffman Smith (15:45):

And I hit this point where it was like, “Okay, either I can continue with this startup, or I can go all in on myself and the things that I want to do for the Haley Hoffman’s brand rather than working on someone else’s brand.” So, I quit and I thought it was going to be the most amazing thing ever. Because I already had all these speaking engagements lined up, but I quit in the springtime, it was February.

Haley Hoffman Smith (16:05):

So, I already had my spring gigs booked out and obviously in the summer school is not in session. So, I was like, “Oh my gosh, I don’t have any other gigs to book and I’m just right out of college. I can’t go speak at a corporation. I don’t have enough experience to speak to a corporation.” I remember trying to pitch myself and I’m like, honestly, I don’t even know what I would be telling you guys. “Like you should not hire me to come speak to people who were way older than me.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (16:28):

But that was my biggest rock bottom because I felt so stuck, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know any way forward. I didn’t know where I wanted to live because I was back living in Denver, which is where I grew up and that did not align with me at all.

Haley Hoffman Smith (16:44):

But that’s what led me to EFT tapping. And if I hadn’t been through this phase of complete stuckness, I would not have started using EFT tapping for uplevels and for mindset work. Because I’ll also say back in my freshman year of college, that was the first time I had done EFT tapping.

Haley Hoffman Smith (17:00):

My mom had found it for me because I was really struggling with anxiety and depression and I also had a huge fear of flying and I did just a few EFT tapping sessions and it cleared it completely, completely cleared all of it. So, I knew how much it worked, but I had never thought to do it for mindset, for believing in yourself or financial uplevel. And now that’s the crux of what I do.

Haley Hoffman Smith (17:23):

But I had to be in that stuck period in order to really find the tool, implement it, use it, and look deeper at what was keeping me stuck. Because I had a lot of very, very, very funky mindsets that, don’t we all. So, I needed to release, rewrite, and rewire in order to catapult me into the life that I actually wanted.

Jessica Armstrong (17:44):

Before you continue on with that thought, I’d love to take a moment to talk to you about the bliss-inducing elixir that we’ve both become quite familiar with. I’m talking about the heart-opening drink cacao.

McKenzie Raymond (17:57):

Yes, my love cacao. Cacao is a superfood and also the purest form of chocolate. The ceremonial drink has been used by Mesoamerican civilizations in sacred ceremony for thousands of years. In fact, cacao is considered to be of divine origin and the cacao tree was often revert as a conduit between heaven and earth.

Jessica Armstrong (18:19):

In addition to the spiritual significance of cacao, it contains many healing properties that provide feelings of stimulation and joy.

McKenzie Raymond (18:28):

Well, Soul Lift Cacao provides a variety of direct-trade cacao products. I’m biased towards Heart of the Earth blend because during my time in Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, I had the privilege of visiting this incredible women’s collective and feeling the love that is infused from being to block.

Jessica Armstrong (18:45):

I know you’ve used cacao, mostly ceremonial, and I enjoy using cacao even to supplement my caffeine intake. Not only does cacao provide me with a more grounded stimulation, but I love knowing that my purchase is going directly towards supporting indigenous communities.

McKenzie Raymond (19:02):

Use the link in our show notes to purchase your own ceremonial grade cacao today. Be sure to use our code good enough at checkout to support the show and receive a discount. Stay tuned for opportunities to indulge in this incredible medicine collectively with our virtual cacao ceremonies coming soon.

McKenzie Raymond (19:20):

Amazing. Well, that leads us so beautifully into just talking more about EFT because that has been such a huge part of my own journey. And specifically your slingshot sessions. So, the slingshot sessions are a group tapping session.

McKenzie Raymond (19:38):

It’s all virtual and I cannot tell you how many times I’ve listened to the replay and now, I love to just … when I take my dogs on a walk, I’ll put it in. And then I’ve had times where I will seriously think the thing and/or instead of writing and journaling, I’ll just be kind of moving through it with you guys and I will think something and then you’ll say it in the chat.

McKenzie Raymond (20:05):

Like someone just dropped that in and I’m like, “What is happening?” So, it’s been so amazing. I think one of the most powerful things in my own journey has been the financial up levels. And I believe it was the massive wealth slingshot session that we did. And I became aware of this unconscious, whole being around money that I had never in my life even thought about.

McKenzie Raymond (20:34):

I was astounded. I’m like, “Where did this just come from?” And I think that’s why it’s so awesome because it is like these deeply rooted beliefs or patterns that we’re not even conscious or aware of because we’re not trying to feel stuck in that place.

McKenzie Raymond (20:54):

And so, to be able to have a tool to bring this stuff to light and then really come back to that empowered place, it has seriously changed my life. So, I cannot wait. We’re going to do a session here with our listeners. So, and Jessica also has never experienced it.

Haley Hoffman Smith (21:11):


McKenzie Raymond (21:13):

I know.

Jessica Armstrong (21:13):

Yes, I know.

Haley Hoffman Smith (21:13):

It’s my favorite thing. I love when someone taps for the first time and they’re like, “What?” And then I am like, “Okay, go back and check in.” And they’re like, “I don’t feel it as much. What is this …

Jessica Armstrong (21:26):

And Haley, just for our listeners who may not know before we get started, I love a little explanation on the EFT tapping and what it does to unblock and like McKenzie was saying and have these moments and these experiences.

Haley Hoffman Smith (21:46):

Yeah, so EFT tapping is rooted in Chinese medicine. So, if you think about acupuncture and how those needles go into meridian points, we’re kind of doing the same thing, but no needles. Fun fact about me, I really need to tap on needles because I’ve always been so afraid, I cry when I get a shot and I’ve never been able to do acupuncture.

Haley Hoffman Smith (22:03):

So, anyways, no needles involved. This is super easy, you don’t feel anything. But we’re tapping on certain meridian points on the face and on the collarbone and I’ll guide us through it all. And these are points that have been researched to help us with emotional release.

Haley Hoffman Smith (22:18):

So, when we’re feeling a strong emotion, let’s just take it as maybe you’re feeling really angry and you want to do tapping on it, you’re feeling all the anger, you’re feeling it in your body, you’re feeling your blood is boiling, your pulse is rising, you’re just like, “Rah, I want to bite.” When we feel angry, it all goes to our mouth. Which is really funny because think about like a lion and he wants to bite at something. So, it’s like rah.

Haley Hoffman Smith (22:40):

So, you’d feel these emotions coming up and all this energy and if you’re able to tap and tap on those meridian points, it’s actually clearing and freeing all of that energy in your body so that it actually just goes away just from tapping instead of you needing to bite or yell, which is obviously really helpful.

Haley Hoffman Smith (22:57):

Now, what I do specifically and it’s something that McKenzie talked about with the massive wealth session, is guiding people to the emotions that exist around their limiting beliefs. So, in a slingshot session, a huge part of it at the beginning is the subconscious breakthrough questions.

Haley Hoffman Smith (23:14):

So, in massive wealth for example, and one of the questions is like, “Who have you seen who is massively wealthy and what do they have to deal with that you don’t want to deal with?” So, maybe then you realize, “Oh my gosh, my uncle is massively wealthy, and he is always alone.” He’s never been married, or maybe his marriage went south. I don’t know, making up a random example, but okay,

McKenzie Raymond (23:32):

That was my exact thing.

Haley Hoffman Smith (23:34):

What is going on?

McKenzie Raymond (23:35):

Wild, I cannot.

Haley Hoffman Smith (23:39):

I was about to add for some reason that feels like something that someone’s worked for.

Jessica Armstrong (23:47):

That’s wild.

Haley Hoffman Smith (23:47):

Air this out for McKenzie.

McKenzie Raymond (23:49):

I have the chills.

Haley Hoffman Smith (23:51):

This happens a lot. I don’t know, this is amazing. Are you okay with me continuing this example or we accidentally pinpoint Jessica’s. So, obviously, the fear of, “Okay, I’m going to make all this money and I’m going to end up alone, or my interpersonal relationships won’t feel good,” that if you close your eyes and you go to it definitely would bring up some strong emotions of fear and oh my gosh, I don’t want that. I remember that one time he was so lonely at Christmas, I don’t know.

Haley Hoffman Smith (24:20):

So, if you’re able to go to that and ask yourself, “How much am I feeling this on a scale of 1 to 10?” You notice how much you’re feeling it. And then I lead us all through tapping. By the way, you can tap on your own too, but this is just the slingshot sessions methodology.

Haley Hoffman Smith (24:32):

And as we’re tapping, we’re talking about the limiting belief in order to validate it and really get clear on what we’re pinpointing. And then we’re starting to say things like, “Maybe it’s safe to let this go.” And we’re starting to introduce new ways of thinking about it. What would you rather believe? What would you want a small child to believe? What would be a more empowering belief moving forward?

Haley Hoffman Smith (24:50):

And the combination of those affirmations and then tapping helps a great deal. But then there’s something else that we do in slingshot sessions, and this is something that my coach Tiffany Jeffers taught me, who’s been my practitioner since 2019, which is pattern interrupts.

Haley Hoffman Smith (25:04):

So, this is where we’re moving the brain very intentionally off of what was causing it distress. So, in slingshot sessions, we have a lot of fun with this. We do jumping jacks, we do dance parties. I say speed draw a zebra; we spell things backwards in the chat. I asked everybody to share the funniest place they’ve ever fallen. One time, two people said next to a fountain at the same time, which is really funny. So, we do all these things that are super fun, and they move your brain off.

Haley Hoffman Smith (25:30):

And so, then I’ll say, “Go back and check it.” So, now your brain’s like, “Oh, what? Oh, yeah, that okay, my uncle.” And it’s almost always decreased and how much it decreases depends on the brain and the level of the pattern interrupt and how deep things are. And none of these things are … I can’t point to what it’d be like after one round of tapping you’ll decrease by three points.

Haley Hoffman Smith (25:48):

Sometimes after one round of tapping it’s completely gone for people. Sometimes it’s the same and you got to work at it a little bit. But that magical combination always leads to shifts, always. I mean, even people, sometimes I work with them one-on-one in session and they’re like, “No, it’s still the same, where it only goes down by like 0.5, but we’re always able to find it and always able to clear it and it’s just so magical and beautiful.” So, that’s happened baby. It’s so much fun.

Jessica Armstrong (26:11):

That is so cool. I can’t wait.

Haley Hoffman Smith (26:13):


McKenzie Raymond (26:16):

I wanted to say just one thing too real quick. So, as I’m also a life coach, so as someone who really believes in the power of my focus and my thoughts, sometimes I catch myself having a hard time going into that vibration of the pain. And I guess what I found is the more that I can allow myself to go there, it’s like the deeper the clearing and the healing can be, so-

Haley Hoffman Smith (26:43):

Yeah, you’re supposed to allow yourself to really, really, really feel it instead of suppressing it. And that can feel a little scary at first, but that’s almost where you build up your faith in EFT and it’s like, “Okay, I can go into hard emotion and I don’t have to be afraid of it, and I know I’m about to clear it.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (26:56):

That used to be a huge fear of mine. It’s like, “No, I don’t want to feel it, I don’t want to feel it.” And it’s like, “You’re going to be okay. You’re going to feel it for like three seconds, I’m not going to torture you.” And then next we’re going to be drawing a butterfly, drinking a smoothie and everything’s going to be okay.” And then it’ll be gone forever, and you never have to feel it again. Woo-hoo.

Jessica Armstrong (27:14):

Well, amazing. Yeah, let’s get started. I’m so excited. Haley, if you want to lead us on.

Haley Hoffman Smith (27:21):

Oh, man. Okay, let’s see. Maybe let’s take it from the standpoint of if there’s anything in your life where you’re currently feeling stuck or uninspired or that blah heavy, I don’t want to energy. Maybe there’s something you know you need to do consistently, or you know you need to do period, you’re not doing it. So, I’ll let everybody think about that.

Haley Hoffman Smith (27:40):

Also, I will say, before we start tapping, I just have to say that if you tap you need to take full responsibility for your own wellbeing. This is not a substitute for therapy. I’m not a mental health professional, so I just want to throw that out there. We’re going light.

Jessica Armstrong (27:56):

Perfect. Thank you.

Haley Hoffman Smith (27:59):

Okay. Good. Everybody consents to that if they continue forward with tapping. Okay, good. So, everybody, if you guys can want to pause episode and journal on that. If you’d like to just journal on any of the stuck feeling or the, I don’t want a feeling. Jessica and McKenzie, have you guys pinpointed it for you?

McKenzie Raymond (28:16):


Jessica Armstrong (28:16):


Haley Hoffman Smith (28:17):

Do either of you want to share?

Jessica Armstrong (28:23):

Yes, mine is for my other business, there’s a workshop I’ve been wanting to put together and it’s all kind of in my brain and it’s something that I would love to jump into creativity going and all of that good stuff, but there’s definitely a wall there. I feel stuck and I don’t know how to kind of get the momentum going.

Haley Hoffman Smith (28:49):

So, the subconscious communicates and symbolism. So, it’s very interesting that you said there is a wall there. So, the subconscious is perceiving a wall and my question for you is what’s on the other side of the wall that you’re afraid of? And you don’t have to answer that right now, but something to potentially journal on.

Haley Hoffman Smith (29:06):

And for listeners, it could be a wall for you, maybe you don’t see anything or that symbolism isn’t coming up. But my main question is what bad thing happens if you get unstuck? If suddenly you feel a huge burst of motivation, you have all the energy, you can do everything to get this done and everything starts moving forward, what then?

Haley Hoffman Smith (29:24):

And usually, there’s a fear around that type of momentum and new level, new devil. What else could come through from this? In which ways is feeling stuck in blah, actually keeping you safe? And obviously, that’s — belief, just some questions to poke around you guys journal.

Jessica Armstrong (29:46):

Yeah, and for me it was, it’s like even just you saying that, even imagining it on the other side, what’s on the other side, I’m already obviously getting kind of a couple lists of things that it could be.

Haley Hoffman Smith (30:07):

Okay, good. So, I’ll have everybody close their eyes and I just want you to focus on that stuck feeling and notice how it presents itself. So, if you feel it in your body, if you see a picture, if you hear a sound, if an associated memory is coming up. And then just ask yourself, how much are you feeling this on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the strongest.

Haley Hoffman Smith (30:31):

And then we’ll do chin up, start tapping. You’ll first start by tapping on the front of your eyebrow and you’ll just repeat after me. All of the stuck feeling.

McKenzie Raymond (30:40):

All of the stuck feeling.

Jessica Armstrong (30:42):

All of the stuck feeling.

Haley Hoffman Smith (30:44):

All the ways in which I feel so stuck right now.

Jessica Armstrong (30:47):

All the ways I feel so stuck right now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (30:50):

This flaw, this heaviness.

Jessica Armstrong (30:53):

This flaw, this heaviness.

Haley Hoffman Smith (30:55):

And then you’ll come down to the side of your eye. I just don’t want to.

Jessica Armstrong (31:01):

I just don’t want to.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:02):

All the fear of what’s on the other side.

Jessica Armstrong (31:05):

All the fear of what’s on the other side.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:08):

So, it just feels safer to stay here.

Jessica Armstrong (31:10):

So, it just feels safer to stay here.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:13):

Maybe just, maybe I can start to let that go now.

Jessica Armstrong (31:16):

Maybe just, maybe I can start to let that go now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:20):

Come down to underneath your eye and keep tapping. The stuckness isn’t actually keeping me safe.

Jessica Armstrong (31:26):

The stuckness isn’t actually keeping me safe.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:29):

It’s just keeping me small.

Jessica Armstrong (31:31):

It’s just keeping me small.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:33):

It’s just keeping me frustrated.

Jessica Armstrong (31:35):

It’s just keeping me frustrated.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:37):

And as I release and let it go.

Jessica Armstrong (31:39):

And as I release and let it go.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:42):

My whole world changes.

Jessica Armstrong (31:44):

My whole world changes.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:46):

And I start to experience sweet, delicious, momentum again.

Jessica Armstrong (31:50):

And I start to experience sweet, delicious, momentum again.

Haley Hoffman Smith (31:55):

Come down to your collarbone to keep tapping. And as this momentum comes in

Jessica Armstrong (32:00):

And as this momentum comes in.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:02):

I remember who I am and why I want to do this.

Jessica Armstrong (32:06):

I remember who I am and why I want to do this.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:09):

It’s safe to focus on all the amazing things that get to happen next.

Jessica Armstrong (32:13):

It’s safe to focus on all the amazing things that happen next.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:17):

It’s safe to let the universe work through me.

Jessica Armstrong (32:20):

It’s safe to let the universe work through me .

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:23):

To be in that delicious flow.

Jessica Armstrong (32:25):

To be in that delicious flow.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:27):

Where it all feels so good.

Jessica Armstrong (32:29):

Where it all feels so good.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:31):

Like an easy-flowing river.

Jessica Armstrong (32:33):

Like an easy-flowing river.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:35):

I’m ready now.

Jessica Armstrong (32:37):

I’m ready now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:37):

It’s safe.

Jessica Armstrong (32:39):

It’s safe.

Haley Hoffman Smith (32:40):

And you’ll take your rest, take a big deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. Then with your eyes open, look up at the ceiling. Look down at the ground, look to the left and look to the right. And then I want you to close your eyes and go back to a really fun memory that you had recently where you were laughing and something was really funny.

Haley Hoffman Smith (33:00):

Maybe something a friend said that was funny or something funny that happened, a funny video you saw. And if an elephant was wearing overalls to the zoo, but they weren’t denim overalls, what color and what material do you think overalls would be?

McKenzie Raymond (33:21):

I’m going purple corduroy because I had like my favorite purple corduroy outfit. Tell me it’s the same Jessica.

Jessica Armstrong (33:30):

For real purple corduroy came up immediately without even …

McKenzie Raymond (33:36):

Okay. But that’s what happens when we get together because your example was also a very reflective of what I was thinking of. And so, I was like, “Okay.” All of the things Haley, that you said totally applied to what I was thinking too, so that was just incredible.

Haley Hoffman Smith (33:54):

Oh my gosh, I’m so glad. Yeah, it’s really amazing how, even when we come together as a group, you think slingshot, wow. See a tongue twister for me too. Sometimes slingshot sessions have up to over 100 people, but there’s a lot of common residents and it’s really powerful to tap all together because we’re all collectively clearing it and there’s a lot of those matches. So, it’s very fun, very fun. But I wonder how many listeners also thought of purple corduroy.

Jessica Armstrong (34:17):

Oh my gosh. I know. If anybody did, please let us know. We definitely will have to hear that. I’m not even surprised that McKenzie and I came up with the same, oh, my goodness.

Haley Hoffman Smith (34:32):

You all are very linked.

Jessica Armstrong (34:33):


Haley Hoffman Smith (34:34):

So, now let’s go back and check it. Go back and check the original emotion and just notice how much you’re feeling it now on a scale of 1 to 10. And then you all can tell me how you’re feeling.

Jessica Armstrong (34:48):

I feel like mine went from like an eight to a three.

Haley Hoffman Smith (34:53):


McKenzie Raymond (34:54):

Yeah. I was going to say I probably started at eight and I’m probably down to like a four.

Haley Hoffman Smith (35:00):

Awesome. Okay, good. And good question is what bad thing happens if it goes down to a zero and you don’t have any stuckness anymore?

Jessica Armstrong (35:10):

Then I will have to face the idea that I may run into judgment or possibly negative feedback and I may have to deal with something like that. And then I’ll have to come back and remind myself that what I’m doing is really great and I’ll have to focus on the people who are really enjoying it and saying all the good things instead of focusing on the judgment and the not good enoughness is what I’m typically worried about.

Haley Hoffman Smith (35:52):

So, powerful. And that really exhibits how stuckness is literally trying to keep us safe. And it’s almost always connected to another limiting belief or fear, which in this case is the fear of negative perception or judgment, which is a very common fear, but easy to clear, easy to clear. And it is safe to focus on all the positive examples.

Jessica Armstrong (36:12):

And it really is that thing about the … it takes you that next step inwards where you’re like, “Okay, I know this is a pattern. I know this is something I normally fear around new things I’m trying.” And then you start to realize that it’s maybe because I’m afraid of showing up for myself enough to not allow those things to bring me down and to actually keep moving forward and feeling into that momentum.

Haley Hoffman Smith (36:48):

Yeah. Momentum sometimes feels like it comes with a cost and a lot of danger, but it’s just telling a story.

McKenzie Raymond (36:56):

Yeah. I feel like my resistance actually the first thing that came up with when you said, so what if it goes down to a zero, the first thing that came up was that I’d have to take action and that I’d have to keep myself accountable.

Haley Hoffman Smith (37:13):

Yeah. And what if that’s actually really easy?

McKenzie Raymond (37:16):

Can be easy and fun, I think.

Haley Hoffman Smith (37:18):


McKenzie Raymond (37:20):

I’m ready.

Jessica Armstrong (37:24):

Before we continue this magical conversation, we want to invite you to a very special sister support circle.

McKenzie Raymond (37:29):

We understand the holidays can be a high-stress time and often the hardest time to feel our enoughness. Take a break from the pressures of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and put yourself first to practice gratitude in sacred circle with us.

Jessica Armstrong (37:40):

McKenzie and I have combined our skills as life coaches and group mentors to create a safe, supportive experience that will allow you to find healing and joy no matter where you are or who you’re with.

McKenzie Raymond (37:50):

This live and free virtual event is open to anyone finding themselves strained by the burdening weight of the upcoming celebrations. During our gratitude sister support circle, you will learn easy exercises to enhance your mindset during the busy holiday season.

Jessica Armstrong (38:01):

This is your invitation into our realm where we are all good enough. Sign up today and join us on Tuesday, November 21st for a 90-minute virtual sister circle. And start the holiday with a fresh dose of joy, support, and empowerment. Use the link in the show notes to secure your spot today. We can’t wait to celebrate with you.

Haley Hoffman Smith (38:19):

So, something that I always like to say in one-on-one sessions, something else I learned from Tiffany was you say one thing, one limiting belief or one fear, or what if I take action or what if I get judged? And then it’s like, “Well, what if that doesn’t happen?”

Haley Hoffman Smith (38:31):

And usually, our brain doesn’t go into reversal. What if it actually turns out fine? What if it’s actually good? And so, that hard stop of like, “No, what if that’s actually not true? What if it’s actually the most crazy thing ever?” Your brain’s like, “Oh, oh, this’ just new information. How do you know?”

Haley Hoffman Smith (38:46):

So, it’s hard to stop yourself when you are tapping on your own and do that. But I think also becoming aware that that’s a tool can help. Because sometimes I’ll be feeling something and I’ll feel a limiting belief attached to it. And then I’ll just ask myself like, “What would I rather believe? Like what if the opposite is true? What if this is just a story and it really helps?” But okay, so let’s continue to tap.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:05):

So, go ahead and close your eyes and go back into it, back into what’s left and everything that was discovered, attached to what’s left. And then we’ll do chin up, start tapping in front of the eyebrow, repeat after me. That right there.

Jessica Armstrong (39:20):

That right there.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:22):

All that fear that’s still left.

Jessica Armstrong (39:25):

All that fear that’s still left.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:27):

And all the ways I’m scared to let it go.

Jessica Armstrong (39:29):

And all the ways I’m scared to let it go.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:32):

Because then I’ll have to take action.

Jessica Armstrong (39:34):

Because then I’ll have to take action.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:37):

Out of the eye. And momentum feels kind of scary.

Jessica Armstrong (39:40):

And momentum feels kind of scary.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:42):

Because then more people are going to see what I’m doing.

Jessica Armstrong (39:45):

Because then more people will see what I’m doing.

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:48):

And what if there’s a negative perception or I’m judged?

Jessica Armstrong (39:51):

And what if there’s a negative perception and I’m judged?

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:54):

Or what if that actually never happens?

Jessica Armstrong (39:57):

Or what if that actually never happens?

Haley Hoffman Smith (39:59):

Underneath the eye. It’s safe for my brain to focus on all the positives.

Jessica Armstrong (40:04):

It’s safe for my brain to focus on all the positives.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:08):

All of the people who I help and who give me positive feedback.

Jessica Armstrong (40:11):

All the people who give me help and positive feedback.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:16):

All the ways in which taking action can be fun and easy.

Jessica Armstrong (40:19):

All the ways in taking action can be fun and easy.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:24):

It’s safe to allow myself to get really excited.

Jessica Armstrong (40:27):

It’s safe to allow myself to get really excited.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:30):

Collarbone, about the next level of my life as I take this action.

Jessica Armstrong (40:34):

About the next level of my life as I take this action.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:38):

I’ve reached so many new levels over the course of my life.

Jessica Armstrong (40:41):

I’ve reached so many new levels over the course of my life.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:45):

And everything has always worked out for me.

Jessica Armstrong (40:48):

And everything has always worked out for me.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:51):

I couldn’t imagine doing this when I was a kid.

Jessica Armstrong (40:55):

I couldn’t imagine doing this when I was a kid.

Haley Hoffman Smith (40:57):

But here I am now and I’m totally safe.

Jessica Armstrong (41:00):

But here I am now and I’m totally safe.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:04):

And my future self is reaching back in time to me now.

Jessica Armstrong (41:07):

And my future self is reaching back to me in time now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:12):

Saying I’m still safe.

Jessica Armstrong (41:15):

Saying I’m still safe.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:17):

And this is so much fun and so good.

Jessica Armstrong (41:20):

And this is so much fun and so good.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:23):

It’s safe for you to join me now.

Jessica Armstrong (41:26):

It’s safe for you to join me now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:28):

Take your rest. Deep breath in. You guys closed it. I’d love for you to make a little mind movie of yourself, two weeks in the future actually experiencing momentum and a change in this energy. And imagine it just going so freaking well.

Haley Hoffman Smith (41:49):

And then we’re going to rewind that tape and play it again. And I want you to make it even better this time. The sweetest, some momentum could be. And then squeeze your wrist, deep breath in. And what was the best part of that mind with the movie?

Jessica Armstrong (42:06):

For me, I was just seeing actually recording with McKenzie in Georgia and coming up here soon and just experiencing kind of the excitement and the freedom around that.

Haley Hoffman Smith (42:24):

Yay. And you could feel it as you imagined it.

Jessica Armstrong (42:28):

Yeah, when I was tapping here, my forearms were just like chills. My whole body kind of feels like it’s been taken over by that excited, joyful energy, so-

Haley Hoffman Smith (42:45):

Yay. I love that you felt your arms too. Because our arms represent our creative channels. And you were saying how you want to feel more creative, so it feels like there’s energy there.

McKenzie Raymond (42:54):


McKenzie Raymond (42:56):

That is so cool. I feel like my excitement and joy just felt more grounded. It was just a very supportive energy. So, yeah, it definitely helped. I feel like I’m ready now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (43:12):

Woo. Oh, my gosh, I’m happy.

Jessica Armstrong (43:15):

I like that McKenzie, how yours was kind of grounded and mine feels like I almost needed a little lift up.

Haley Hoffman Smith (43:23):


Haley Hoffman Smith (43:23):

Yeah. And we need to experience different things at different times, but it’s also important to know what that really supportive energy feels like and looks like for you so you know how to compare it. Because now you feel the experience in your body of being excited to do something and feeling glimpse and clear and now you know, “Okay, I’m not feeling grounded or I’m not feeling lifted. Time to chat, time to get back to 100%.”

Haley Hoffman Smith (43:47):

Oh sorry. I just wanted to be as safe as possible or I don’t know, to be as efficient as possible and have you guys go back and check it and just see if there’s anything left at all, because sometimes there’s a little crumb.

Jessica Armstrong (43:59):

I feel like there isn’t anything left because it’s almost molded into something different. There’s not that importance around it anymore. Like that hesitation or the judgment and stuff.

Haley Hoffman Smith (44:19):

Oh, my gosh.

McKenzie Raymond (44:21):

Yeah, I feel totally clear. I feel like a lioness that’s ready to step into her power.

Haley Hoffman Smith (44:29):

Oh, my gosh, that is so amazing. So, what do you think Jessica, about tapping?

Jessica Armstrong (44:37):

Well, I really had pretty good expectations around it just because of McKenzie’s experience. However, I really loved how that felt. And even just the way that the wording was and everything, it just really changes the whole …

Jessica Armstrong (44:59):

It almost makes it fun to be looking at things because I think we’re all so stressed around all of our things that we have to do and all the expectations and the patterns that we carry and having to change habits so that they’re good and healthy and it’s just kind of, we put a lot of stress and heaviness on that and expectations where this cut really relieved a lot of that because it made it feel easier and more fun.

Jessica Armstrong (45:31):

You can look at it as more of a fun, exciting thing instead of something that’s so fearful. And I know for me that’s a lot of what I’ve been practicing. So, this will be a great addition to that.

Haley Hoffman Smith (45:45):

Yay. That makes me so happy.

McKenzie Raymond (45:49):

Yeah. Jessica’s actually going to be coming out to Georgia and I have done EFT slingshot sessions with my mom. I’m going to do them with Jessica, we’re going to have fun. That’s important part of my inner circle because I’m like, “Trust me, you need this.”

McKenzie Raymond (46:06):

And another thing I just want to mention is I also have purchased your DIY course, so I love Haley, your way of going through and kind of reaffirming, but in the DIY course, you’re kind of doing that for yourself, so it’s like your own words and your exact example. But I just love the way Haley, that you always put everything, and it just feels so nurturing. So, thank you.

Haley Hoffman Smith (46:36):

Aw, you’re so welcome. I’m so, so glad.

Jessica Armstrong (46:39):

And speaking of the collective and we are already big fans of your Dreamaway community, and I just know it’s going to be something that’s going to be beautiful for the community that you’ve created and really would love to hear more about it and the whole dream behind it.

Haley Hoffman Smith (47:02):

Oh, yeah. Oh, my gosh, I’m super excited. So, we’ve talked about what slingshot sessions are and their methodology. Dreamaway is basically a subscription community where we’re doing slingshot session methodology on a monthly basis.

Haley Hoffman Smith (47:18):

So, I’ll talk about the higher self-tier and everything that happens there. So, we basically have a Dreamaway exclusive slingshot session every single month. It’s a 90-minute session where we are identifying blocks, we’re asking questions and then we’re tapping all together. And the topic changes month to month. I like to have themes for each month.

Haley Hoffman Smith (47:37):

So, we’re in September right now we’re doing a trust theme. And so, the 90-minute workshop this month is specifically around reestablishing and rebuilding trust and interpersonal relationships. So, healing past experiences and memories of distrust, whether that’s with a romantic partner, in your professional world with a friend, et cetera.

Haley Hoffman Smith (47:56):

Then we always have a money date, and this is a one-hour focused tapping session on abundance and some aspect of abundance. So, for trust month we did it on trust in your financial wellbeing. So, feeling like you’re always taken care of and when we feel that trust, that’s what we tend to experience.

Haley Hoffman Smith (48:14):

We also do a visualization every single month. We have SMS from the stars, like little astrological updates on days with astrological happenings. We have a weekly energy reading. Every single Sunday morning, we all come together, and everybody pulls oracle cards, and we discuss, and we find the key themes and it’s really cool to see the same themes emerging even though everybody’s pulling from very different decks.

Haley Hoffman Smith (48:36):

And we also have the community aspect of course, where people are asking each other for resources and chatting. And I know some people feel more called to join a community than other people. I’m actually kind of an introvert, so I’m always like, “I don’t know if I would’ve joined a community,” but I’m obsessed with Dreamaway and everybody I’m meeting and when we’re all tapping together and coming together, it’s like you really start to get to know people and establish that friendship with them, which is so much fun.

Haley Hoffman Smith (49:00):

Something else that we’re adding to Dreamaway is doing replays together. So, as McKenzie shared, loving doing slingshot replays, I do slingshot replays and Dreamaway replays literally all the time with my friends. We come on Zoom together and we do it or we do it in person. So, I want to add that to Dreamaway.

Haley Hoffman Smith (49:16):

So, this month is the first time that we’re going to do a money date replay altogether. So, I can also come on and tap with everybody and a 90-minute workshop replay. And then of course when you join Dreamaway you have access to the vault of every single money date ever done. And every single 90-minute workshop ever done, which is literally so much.

Haley Hoffman Smith (49:35):

I put like a whole graphic together of all of the topics and everything and I was like, “Oh my, there’s literally so much in here.” So, the concept is for a fraction of the price of a slingshot session, you can access a ton of resources or tapping on everything. And I also really like to keep it interactive.

Haley Hoffman Smith (49:51):

So, I like to ask people what is a future theme that you’d like and what is a future money date or workshop? And I very much crowdsource that, like market research that and make sure everybody is getting what they need. We also have many tapping videos, so if you need a little boost in the morning, we have 22 days of tapping as a series of morning tapping videos.

Haley Hoffman Smith (50:12):

And then I’ve done miniseries, like today’s the last day have a new series called Seven Days of Trust Tapping. So again, just first thing in the morning or whenever you just need a boost, just tap for five to seven minutes with me. We also have one called Sparks Fly and it’s about love tapping and then one on abundance tapping, which is eight days of tapping. So, there’s a lot going on in there and I literally am obsessed, like all I can ever think about.

Jessica Armstrong (50:36):

That is incredible. All of the things that you get with that and something for every day or whenever you need it.

Haley Hoffman Smith (50:44):

Absolutely. It’s like whatever boost and going back to your question of why I started it, I called it Dreamaway, kind of like sleep away camp. But Dreamaway, so it’s like going away from your normal life and retreating even though obviously it’s virtually retreating to a space where you can go with it and heal, release, rewire and meet other like-minded people.

Haley Hoffman Smith (51:07):

Because when I started out on this journey, I didn’t really know anybody else who shared my beliefs. It felt like I was always telling everyone in my world about it. And it’s so fun to connect with other people who have been in this space for a while, who have amazing book recommendations and cool stories and can lend different opinions and perspectives. And now most of my friends are very spiritual because I feel like everybody know who I am now.

Haley Hoffman Smith (51:29):

But back years ago, I had nobody who I could talk about this stuff with or tap with or anything like that. So, a lot of people are also looking for friendships with people who are just like them, and a lot of people have met friends in their area from this or have virtual friends and they can come on and tap together and it’s just so much fun.

McKenzie Armstrong (51:45):

Yeah, it is so amazing to provide space for other women to get to come together like that and to heal individually on this collective journey. I really feel like that is just such a gift that you have. I think too, it’s incredible the value that they’re getting.

McKenzie Armstrong (52:06):

After hearing that, I’m like, “Okay, going onto your website right after this to sign up,” because I mean the vault, the live stuff is really what I love. But the vault, just knowing that I could go in there and use those resources is so incredible.

Jessica Armstrong (52:25):

I think like one of the things that I find most powerful about EFT tapping is how easy it is to integrate into my real life. And whether it’s sitting down and doing a replay with you or I’m out walking in the yard and all of a sudden, I’m like scared of snakes and I can literally tap and be like, “okay, I’m safe here, whatever, and clear that.” And I think that is so powerful as well.

Haley Hoffman Smith (52:53):

Yeah, it feels like an emotional toolbox because I think something we’ve mentioned a few times over this podcast is the fear of emotions and the fear of feeling really deep emotions. And I used to always feel like I was at the whim of my emotions.

Haley Hoffman Smith (53:06):

At any given time, I would be really anxious or really down and it made me feel so powerless in my life and knowing that I can tap, are you kidding me, and not even just for emotions, knowing, “Oh, I’m experiencing stuckness and everything feels really off or ooh, I had a weird dream last night. And so, I feel like I’m going to carry that vibe with me throughout the day.” No, I can tap, I can clear it, I can clear this, I can do this. It’s like it’s just most empowering thing ever. I’m so blessed with it.

Jessica Armstrong (53:31):

Oh, my gosh, that’s such a good way to think about it too. Because it’s bringing it to yourself is it’s your own power. You can navigate your emotions and the things that you need yourself. You have that tool, and it provides so much power for your day. I love that. That’s such a great way to think about that too, to keep it in your back pocket all the time.

Jessica Armstrong (53:54):

And I think with women we’re always trying to find such a good community to get together that feels safe. Because we do have all these social media and things like that that can make us feel closer. However, finding people who you really resonate with and you’re really sharing an experience with can be really hard to find.

Jessica Armstrong (54:14):

So, the fact that you’ve been able to create something and you’re obviously attracting the women that need this and want this and I think because you lead so much with your experience and your passion for this, it really shows and you’re able to provide something that a lot of people haven’t figured out how to do yet. And that’s just really amazing.

Haley Hoffman Smith (54:41):

Thank you so much. It’s like the greatest joy, seriously.

McKenzie Raymond (54:46):

I do have a quick question. So, for the Dreamaway community, is that something that myself or any of our listeners can join on a month-to-month basis or is there some kind commitment that you’re making?

Haley Hoffman Smith (54:59):

It’s just a month-to-month basis. We open doors every single month on the first of the month and close it on the second if you want to join, but it’s monthly. So, after you pay for the month, you have access for 30 days and either you can keep your subscription going or you can cancel anytime, or you can upgrade anytime or downgrade any time because I know there’s a lot.

Haley Hoffman Smith (55:19):

So, some people will have different commitments at different times or full access at every time. So, it’s very flexible. And everybody in the higher self-tier of Dreamaway gets 10% off slingshot sessions. And I haven’t hosted live slingshot sessions in a while, but they’re coming back at the end of the month.

Jessica Armstrong (55:35):


McKenzie Raymond (55:36):

That’s exciting.

Jessica Armstrong (55:40):

So, we usually like to — for one, thank you so much for being here and sharing all of this with us. I just loved to be able to hear your story and learn more about you. And we always love to provide our listeners with as much information as possible to help them and we wanted to get a couple recommendations from you.

Jessica Armstrong (56:03):

So, we have three questions, three quick questions. One is, what is your bucket list travel destination? Maybe it’s a place that you have been that you love or it’s the next place that you absolutely just must go.

Haley Hoffman Smith (56:19):

Oh, man, I’ve wanted to go to the Maldives for a while. I don’t know if that’s super basic answer.

Jessica Armstrong (56:26):

They almost seem like they’re in another universe sometimes.

Haley Hoffman Smith (56:32):

But it’ll be worth the flight, ha-ha. So, reference to my song, Worth the Flight.

Jessica Armstrong (56:37):

I got you. Okay, another question is, do you have a book recommendation either that you’re currently reading or that you’re just obsessed with, and you would recommend any day of the week?

Haley Hoffman Smith (56:52):

I’m almost finished reading this amazing book called The Courage to Be Disliked. And I think since we talked about the fear of judgments, it’s going to be very, very helpful. But it’s really helped me understand where the fear of being disliked and being judged comes from and it just offers different ways of looking at it so that we’re living our lives for us and not to accuse other people.

Jessica Armstrong (57:13):

Oh, that’s such a good one. I need that book. I wrote that down. I’m going to check it out … the fear of judgement. And last but not least, any current self-care practice that you’re really indulging in lately or one that you just love besides obviously the EFT tapping.

Haley Hoffman Smith (57:36):

Okay. Honestly, the way I want to answer this question is to say I love to snuggle up at night and watch Gilmore Girls and make some chamomile tea. And that can hold as much spiritual power as a crazy quantum leap meditation because everything is vibration and if you really love to do something and it makes you feel cozy and safe and it’s thing you look forward to at the end of the day, that’s the best self-care practice.

Jessica Armstrong (57:58):


McKenzie Raymond (57:59):

So, amazing. Thank you. And thank you for reminding us of that it’s really all about, I think our own intention is we’re making that chamomile tea or turning on our favorite show. It’s like we can have that powerful, deep, cozy moment with ourselves if we’re willing to go there.

McKenzie Raymond (58:18):

So, thank you so much, Haley. It has been so fricking fun to hang out with you. I feel like this is just evidence of dreams coming true for me.

McKenzie Raymond (58:29):

And I also want to say how amazing it is to just hear your story and some of those incredible achievements because really what I see is a beautiful example of what I can do and writing a book or giving a TED talk, some of these incredible milestone things that you’ve done and what a beautiful example to provide for our listeners as well of evidence that you really can make this amazing stuff happen.

Haley Hoffman Smith (59:01):

Thank you so much.

Jessica Armstrong (59:03):

Thank you, Haley. Thank you everybody. We’ll have all of Haley’s information and everything on the Dreamaway linked into our show notes. Have a beautiful day.

Haley Hoffman Smith (59:14):

Thank you. Bye.

McKenzie Raymond (59:19):

We know this time is precious to you and because we are insanely joyful that you are spending it with us, we always want to deliver authentic vulnerability and dive deep into what we are feeling as a collective.

Jessica Armstrong (59:31):

Our intention is to bring you stories and guests that provide you the opportunity to discover aha moments so you leave our conversations feeling lighter and knowing what you do today will be good enough.

McKenzie Raymond (59:45):

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